Tennis Tennis - 100 Lovers

One-hundred lovers ago
That's when I met him and now you know
One-hundred lovers ago
He was a heart-breaker
He was a heart-breaker

No less, I was a name at that time
She was a poet with hair that shined
I never thought I could make you mine
Afraid to reach out and then resign

One-hundred loves will make you bold
One-hundred more will make you cold
Oh, he was a heart-breaker

And I will laugh until I'm tired
I will battle with a strange desire

I watched each girl come and go
For years I waited but could not show
One-hundred lovers ago
Back then I loved him and now you know

One-hundred loves will make you bold
One-hundred more will make you cold
Oh, he was a heart-breaker

And I will laugh until I'm tired
I will battle with a strange desire